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- Global Update
- Body Basics: Anterior Knee Pain
- Going Solo in the Cold Foot 100
- Adventure Buns The Great Wall 100 Km: "Welcome to Beijing"
- UR Profile Ultrarunner and Adventure Racer Lisa Smith
- New UltraBunning Column Twentysomething: Why We Do It
- Experiment of One: Running Style
- America's Ultra: The JFK 50 Mile
- Race Preview Bull Run Run 50 Mile
Race Reports
Race Results
- Presque Isle Endurance Classic
- Sri Chinmoy Ultra Trio
- Blue Springs 50 Mile and 50 Km
- Mountain Masochist 50 Mile
- Sagebrush Shuffle 8 Hour
- Palo Duro 50 Mile and 50 Km
- Mike and Barry's 6 Hour
- Nifty 50
- Haney Harrison 100 Km
- San Diego One Day
- Watery Hill 6 Hour
- OPSF 50 Mile and 50 Km
- Man Against Horse 50 Mile
- Mt. Diablo Fall 50 Km
- ORRC Autumn Leaves 50 Mile/ 50 Km
- Maine Track Club 50 Mile/50 Km
- Badgerland 12 and 24 Hour
- Pine Mountain 46 .2 Mile
- Quivering Quads 50 Mile/50 Km
- Rock Ledge Rumble 50 Km
- Rock Ledge Rumble 50 Km
- Ron Herzog Memorial 50 Km
- Virginia Beach 50 Km
- Shelby Farms 50 Mile/50 Km
- Dave Garrison Memorial Runs