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- Chatter
- More Questions and Answers about Racing Ultras
- Body Basics: Blisters
- On the Go: Trail Shoes 2004
- Women's View: The Grand Canyon
- The Grand Canyon and the Ultrarunner
- Joel Zucker—A Look Back
- Adventure Run: Out There: Running in the Brazilian Rain Forest
- View from the Open Road: The Outer Limits
Race Reports
- Miwok 100 Km
- Silver State 50 Mile and 50 Km
- Quicksilver 50 Mile and 50 Km
- Bishop High Sierra 50 Mile and 50 Km
- Diablo 50 Mile Endurance Run
- Ohlone Wildnerness 50 Km
- McDonald Forest 50 Km
- Montrail Spring Desert 50 Mile
- Ancient Oaks 100 Mile
- Boulder On The Go 24 Hour
- Ice Age 50 Mile and 50 Km
- Massanutten Trails 100 Mile
- Capon Valley 50 Km
- Strolling Jim 40 Mile
- Self-Transcendence Ten Day and Six Day Race
- Old Dominion 100 Mile
Race Results
- Peterson Ridge 35 Mile
- ACS 24 Hour
- German 100 Mile Trail Run
- Are We Having Fun Yet 50 Km
- Long Island Greenbelt Trail 50 Km
- Lake McMurtry 50 km
- TIMTAM 50 Km
- Elk Beaver 100 Km, 50 Mile and 50 Km
- Maah Daah Hey Trail Invitational 50 Km
- Cornbelt 24 Hour
- Keremeos Kruncher 50 Km
- Double Chubb 50 Km
- BPAC Six Hour
- Wild West 50 Km