As critical as a good bra is for comfort and function during a long run, it can also be exceedingly difficult to find just the right style without all the bounce. Our testers have put a new crop of spring tops through...
Tag: Female
Hormones can have a dramatic effect on our body composition, energy, recovery, injury risk and how we respond to training. Although this is becoming well known, it is actually still quite difficult for women to get usefu...
There are certainly many ultrarunning women out there with a far better perspective on how to manage pregnancy while continuing to ultrarun. So at the risk of “Man-splaining,” the goal of this article is to summarize the...
If you do a search on the internet or ask any non-running doctor, there is not much to be found as far as solid guidance to help navigate breastfeeding and running, especially ultra-distance races. Fortunately, the ultra...
It started off like any normal training run: meet at the trailhead and warm up, with the usual chit-chat. As we began, one of the guys asked his buddy, “Hey, Matt, how’d your 100-miler go?” Exuberant, he proudly excla...
This is not one of my usual rants, but rather an affirmation of a widely held concept. The fact is, the female of our species rules, though some of us men would like to believe that we have the upper hand, because we thi...
When I first heard the term “getting chicked,” I thought it was fairly comical, albeit somewhat sexist. The expression succinctly explains the phenomena of a female ultrarunner passing and beating her male counterpart. I...
Dear Ann, As a woman new to ultrarunning, I love the sport and its supportive community. But I know it must not have always been so welcoming to women. Can you share what it was like to be a woman in the earlier years o...
“She’s way too thin!” “She needs to wear more clothes. She only does that for attention.” “You don’t fit the image we’re looking for.” “That tattoo is a tramp stamp.” “I can’t believe she’s wearing so much m...
I know it’s tempting to skip right to the cool bras we’ve compiled for you, but I ask that you bear with me for a quick moment. See, in researching this article, I’ve learned that many of us ladies are getting the bra th...
My husband, Mike, and I knew we wanted children, but I was scared that having a baby would interrupt or even force me to stop my ultrarunning. I didn’t believe it was possible to have a young family and keep doing ultram...