One of the most rewarding roles in our sport is serving as a crew member or pacer for someone pursuing the massive goal of running an ultramarathon. Working in such a capacity has some great advantages. Crew members get...
Tag: Pacing
If you want to successfully pace a runner at the 100-mile distance, you need to know the right answers to a lot of questions. Should you run in front of your runner or follow her? Are you allowed to carry food and water...
Pacing a perfect ultra or trail race is as much an art as it is a science. It’s a craft that needs to be learned; a craft that comes more naturally to some but for most has to be learned through trial and error. But just...
In ultras we rely heavily on others to help us get to the finish. That includes volunteers and staff at races, as well as family and friends who crew or pace. Even if you prefer to run with minimal assistance, there’s a...
I was recently asked, “Zach, your crewing article was great, but I am not really wanting to sit on my butt for hours just to pop blisters, make sandwiches and fill water bottles… what about pacing?” Well, my friend, that...