Tag: Nutrition

Probiotics and the Ultrarunner

Probiotics are a hot topic when it comes to gut health, and runners know that a well-functioning and happy stomach can either make or break a successful race or training session. While an upset digestive tract is no fun...

Will Glycogen-depleted Runs Improve Your Performance?

If you spend any amount of time talking about ultrarunning nutrition, you are almost certain to hear the term “fat adapted.” The general idea is that a “fat adapted” athlete will be very efficient at burning fat and thus...

Race Day Carb Selection

You’ve done the physical work. You have put in the vertical, put in the miles, put in the time and yet come race day it can all come undone by a lack of energy or other nutrition issue. Race day nutrition can be complex,...

Ancient Ultrafoods

The desire of humans to consume foods that aid performance is not a new phenomenon. Ancient Greek athletes were known to eat figs and other nutrient-dense fruits, olives, seeds and nuts and a particular concoction compos...

Secrets to Nutrition: Candy Hearts and IPA

Courtney Dauwalter The books and articles on what we are supposed to eat, how, when and why could fill a library, but many of us have an inner self, or at least I do, that wants everything contrary to those books to be...

Healthy Habits to Maintain Your Weight

With the holidays rapidly approaching, an increase in social engagements, parties and an intake of sweets and treats can occur. Due to extra snacking and eating of desserts, the possibility that one may gain some weight...

Perfect Smoothies

Smoothies are a great way to get in the necessary carbohydrates, proteins and hydration that an ultrarunner needs both pre- and post-run. For many runners, a pre-workout smoothie may reduce the occurrence of an upset sto...

Breakfast of Champions

Have you ever heard, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day?” Breakfast definitely has many benefits. One important advantage of eating breakfast is it helps regulate our metabolism. When we sleep, we are in a...

Preventing Runner’s Trots

Yep. The title says it all: Preventing Runner’s Trots. This subject is very common among ultrarunners and very uncomfortable to discuss. Runner’s trots is when one has an urgent need to go to the bathroom while running....

Ten Common Race Day Mistakes

The race is about to start and you are ready to run for miles and miles on end. You’ve been training for months to get to this point. Don’t ruin your race by skimping on one of the most important aspects: fuel and fluid....

Energy Chews Review

You’re running and running and running and it’s time for that extra energy boost. If you enjoy a gummy product (like I do), chews are the choice for you. I’m a fan of the chews because I feel like I’m eating candy that’s...

Divergent Diets

Many diets eliminate one or more of the essential food groups. Or the diet might recommend an increase in consumption of one food at the expense of another food. Most popular diets have mixed reviews on whether they are...

Sweat Science

Sweating and running go hand in hand. Many factors affect how much you sweat such as weather, temperature, body composition, altitude, exercise intensity, duration and more. Sweating – and then evaporation – helps mainta...

Strategic Carbohydrate Restriction and Performance

In this column over the last several issues I have written about specific studies that focus on dietary manipulations to improve performance. “Metabolic characteristics of keto-adapted ultra-endurance runners,” published...

The Ultrarunner’s Daily Diet for Healthy Living

Fueling isn’t just about what you eat right before and during an ultra. Fueling is a healthy way of life that should be practiced every day whether you run or not. Essentially, you are fueling your body daily to maintain...

Ketones as Fuel

The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low-protein, low-carbohydrate diet that forces your body to become excellent at using fat for fuel. On the ketogenic diet, you have more ketones, which are derived from fats, in your blo...

Delicious Recipes for Athletes

Food is fuel, and I love to eat. Being a dietitian specializing in sports nutrition has let me enjoy the best of both worlds: athletics and food. I’m constantly on the lookout for tasty resources that can help my clients...

Digging into the FASTER Study

I’ve been trying to stay out of it, but I think it’s time to address the idea of low-carb (LCD) and ketogenic diets. Over the last several years, LCD and ketogenic (keto) diets have been all the rage among many ultra ath...

Fueling the Vegan Ultrarunner

Vegan, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is defined as “a person who does not eat any food that comes from animals and often does not use animal products, such as leather.” A vegan does not consume seafood, da...

Optimal Foods for Repair and Recovery

Food is fuel. Many of you also know that food is important for recovery, too. You should eat your post-workout snack/meal within 15 to 30 minutes to optimize recovery. In addition, here are some specific foods that have...