Tag: Zumbro


Just a few minutes before, we’d been on muddy, rocky single-track. It was far from perfect; in fact, it was not even a trail as we know the meaning of the word. But the prior path had nonetheless offered the basic compon...


“No network found,” said the little message at the top of the phone. Although normally a frustrating notification to get, today, Thursday, April 6, it was a happy beacon: the sign for “Zumbro River Bottoms Management Uni...


Most ultrarunners are trying to scratch an itch they didn't even know they had, or at least don't fully understand. We’ve all run a good number of races, but the ones that really stick with us are those that come with ad...


The month of March has one simple job—to come "in like a lion" and go "out like a lamb." The past couple of years it had started to seem like the lion ate Little Bo Peep, leaving April's Zumbro Endurance Run condemned to...
