Tag: Prairie Spirit

Prairie Spirit Trail

Crouched just behind the finish line, I trained my camera on the next runner coming home. It was just after 11 a.m., an hour before cutoff, and the Golden Hour was already living up to its name. A group of volunteer...

Prairie Spirit

My whole life has been spent looking for that next adventure. Finding ways to challenge myself while at the same time trying to live my best life possible and lift others up. I was born with cerebral palsy 36 years ago a...

Prairie Spirit

Let me preface this with a statement: The Prairie Spirit Trail is deceptively challenging. You may be driving from the high country of Colorado whilst dreaming of a new PR, or flying out from the Beast Coast with plans t...

Prairie Spirit

Why Prairie Spirit 100? Because it fell on March 25, my 47th birthday. This was my third attempt at 100 miles. I wanted to prove that “I’ve still got it” on my birthday. Why couldn’t I have a normal mid-life crisis like...

Prairie Spirit Trail

By most accounts, the conditions at the third annual Prairie Spirit Trail 100- and 50-mile races weren’t much to write home about: highs in the lower 50s, lows in the upper 30s and no precipitation. That meant 75 runners...

Prairie Spirit

After the inaugural Prairie Spirit Trail 100 & 50 Mile Ultra Races in 2012, we have adapted quite well to the ever-changing personality of Mother Nature. This event would prove, once again, that Mother Nature “runs the s...